Hi. My name is June Lo / Lo̍h Ka-tsùn / Lo Chia-Chun.

I am a PhD student in Pure Mathematics at King's College London under the supervision of Jean Lagacé. Before this, I studied at Imperial College London.


Talks, teaching & related activities

I am helping to organise the 2025 cycle of the KCL Analysis Seminar.

I have delivered a few talks about my research. Since 2022 I have also been working as a graduate teaching assistant in the department. See details here.


I write code from time to time.

I have migrated away from github, but some of my old projects can still be found on my profile page there.

Other activities

I was editor for the Imperial College Sci-Fi & Fantasy Society for two years, and helped produce the newsletter and annual fanzine for an additional year in 2021. I don't know if the publications page will ever be back up at icsf.org, but there is a copy of the archives here.
